Me and Microrealism

Because “Microrealism and I” didn’t fit the vibe.

I’m 3 years old in tattoo years and my tattoo style focuses on microrealism. I like tattoos that look like you picked it directly out of an ISPY book and slapped it on. Sometimes these realistic little objects have meaning, and most of the time they don’t. Rather than obvious meanings, these tattoos have a bit of mystery to them and you can choose who gets to know the meaning behind them, if there even is one.

Other than microrealism, I’ll sometimes release pre-drawn flash designs grabbed from public domain art. I take these designs and make them “tattooable”. This includes famous art and illustrations, but doesn’t always fall under the realism or microrealism category. I just think it’s cool to be able to take something really old and transform it into wearable art.

Keep scrolling to take a look at some of my favorite healed and fresh work. Some of these tattoos are over a year healed. Note: Because my portfolio doesn’t showcase a lot of work on melanated skin, dark-skin clients get booked at a discount of $50 off of my hourly rate.